Seal the Deal

Saturday, August 21, 2010

By using the "seal the deal" network approach, you will use the network approach to two levels. And, in order to learn the new approach, we will change our phraseology and use of the word "union" instead of "networks." Now, you see things from a new perspective? Does the word union to change its overall perspective? Linking means much more than connect people. This means more than a give-take relationship. You will not "network" with people or get "cold contacts" that will connect with people.

The word union changes the definition of the word of the creation of networks of simply connecting to go the extra mile to meet people and meet their needs. THIS IS a more humane way of doing business. We must remember that no matter how hard we try to run our business, we are nothing without the others. This is true for any other business. Therefore, should give priority to understanding and connection with others.

In order to bond with people, you have to build trust and confidence can only come when the other person sees you as a person of integrity. Although words like unity, integrity and trust are rarely used i the secular world, let me say that these words are very valuable. This is because you are dealing with real people with real feelings and real emotions.

If you use the network approach seal deal, which will use the network approach to two levels. This approach requires you to link with other professionals, while the link to potential customers. Traditional networking is all about connecting with potential customers and other business professionals holding. However, the network approach encourages two-level to link with other professionals and are comfortable with them. At the same time, be linked with potential customers.

In order to adopt the two-tiered approach, professionals must interact with everything they could interact with potential customers. As the bonds with other professionals, will be kept abreast of all changes in a dynamic market today. Self-employment does not mean that you must be a lone ranger. " When other informed people are working with you instead of against you, you will be able to serve the needs of customers better.

1: From the Heart Network

Although the secular world is more focused on the "networking" and less on the "union" is the linkage that makes the difference to the customer, and not "keep in touch. Staying connected is easy in this Internet age, but remain bonded heart of the participation. If you love your customers, you want them to grow and prosper. you do not want to take them, but we want to give to them from their successful experience. Once you share your experience and offer to make a difference in their lives, they create a tangible relationship with them. But you can do this only if you bond with them from the heart. Traditional networking can stop after a sale, but when you involve your heart, you are looking for a permanent business relationship with their peers and their clients.

Bonding can not be done without sharing. Therefore, the network or bond, must share the following:

* Facts: This includes your knowledge on the subject, his experience, his research and ideas and innovations. Note that as you share, you will only be bigger and gain credibility in the eyes.

* Friends: That all who know you know them. That the people behind their success will be known to others. This does not deprive him of his friends, but only help to win most valuable friends.

* Feelings: Be open on the key to great relationships. This means that there must be transparency in all dealings.

Talk about your wishes and goals. Let your customers and friends see what you're made of. Genuinely share your passion for your work, and will look the way you behave. His passion for helping others will be seen how that will help improve the lives of others without expecting anything in return. It will always be remembered as someone useful, and will return the favor one way or another.

2: Informal Network

This is the best form of bonds or network, and it occurs naturally. The possibilities are endless networking environment. This includes a casual chat with someone on the subway, or a greeting to your neighbor next door while watering your garden, or tell a stranger that has a good pair of shoes. Everyone speaks of could be a way for a future business relationship.

The point to remember is that the network is a lifestyle. It's not something you just do in the confines of a meeting room. If you are a person who is on the lookout for opportunities to add value to the lives of people, the possibilities are endless.

As an industry veteran of 30 years, Marco Giunta has always had a futuristic look in IT and has worked with many of the leading companies in the outsourcing industry in the likes of Tata, Accenture, Technology collective, network storage, Cordiant Communications, Decision One and IBM.

Marco has held various positions of increasing responsibility in management, sales, technology and business development covering Information Technology, Electronic Commerce, Data Centre Infrastructure Business startup and enterprise software and communications.

4 Ways to Build a More Effective Network

First, you have to network. You know it's key to more business, but how to make it work for you? Think of networking as building effective relationships, not how many business cards to hand out.

Look for common interests when you meet people. Think about how you can help others. If you earn a reputation for being useful, people will look to you for solutions.

Second, get references. Services firms grow on referrals. It is the most powerful marketing weapon you can use and it does not cost a dime.

The inherent "social proof" to refer someone to a web designer, auto mechanic or doctor to win the trust quickly. So, you sit back and hope their customers to refer others? If so, you may be waiting a while. After all, have their own business to attend. A more proactive approach is to ask. A simple, "Do you know anyone else who could use my services?" often lead to new contacts for you.

Ask for references is really another form of networking, going "deep" in your network so to speak.

Trio Gold Linked In, Twitter and Facebook can add to their strategies face to face networking.

Like face to face networking is based referrals, online networking does the same. And do not worry, you need not spend hours on social media sites.

Simply create a plan and stick to it.

Linked In is a great way to build professional connections. Join relevant groups and test questions in the discussion forums. Provide answers. Share interesting articles.

Connect online with people who meet in "real life." Even if you just check in 2-3 times a week, can provide value from their experiences that will make you stand out. In addition, you will meet people from around the world.

Social media can take your business global!

And finally, the most important component in building their networks and increasing references are monitoring. Marcia Yudkin's Marketing Minute says most of its referrals are for people who recently interacted with. So keep in touch.

How often? Each contact is different, but every 1-3 months is adequate for many potential customers. And always ask for a job. Forward a relevant article that they think may be interested in, let them know if you've added another set of skills to his repertoire. Be brief and the like. This tactic is simple once you get into the habit and help build their relationship. Given the need for their services, you are top of mind.

It may take three months to two years to convert some clues into customers. Grown along the road.

Networking is a crucial component of any small business. If you look at it as an opportunity to meet new people, stay in touch and follow up with potential prospects, your business will grow and have fun along the way.